Menoth Test 1

| Saturday, May 28, 2011 | 0 comments |
Here's a Crusader from my Menoth Battlegroup. Experimental "quick job" method 1.

  • Primer White
  • All areas that will be metal, painted black (Reaper MSP #09037 Pure Black)
  • Gold is Reaper MSP #09050 Antique Gold (drybrushed)
  • Silver is Reaper MSP #09053 Honed Steel (drybrushed)
  • The "Maroon" is Reaper MSP #09026 Violet Red brushed thin over white primer

    Then I "dipped it" in Army Painter Quickshade Soft Tone. Specifically, I brushed the quickshade on with a brush (then cleaned up with Mineral Spirits). When I dipped it, there was waaaaay too much shader and it ruined the "white" of the base primer.

    From Metroplex Warjacks

    * Note this photo the quickshade is still drying and I have not sprayed it with Dullcote.
  • Welcome

    | Monday, May 23, 2011 | 0 comments |
    Howdy, this blog will be a central location for several guys who play Warmachine to post pictures, rant, chat, or in other ways have fun with the hobby.

    With no idea of what else to post, here's a few online discounters some of the guys found. Though we prefer to support local retailers who provide game space - times are tough and Warmachine doesn't seem to be as well supported locally as other games. We're not going to link these to the sidebar though, as to allow them to eventually fall off the blogroll.

    If you're in the area and would like to be a contributing author, email me mattragan at gmail dot com and we'd be happy to have you aboard.